Term & Condition Policy

1. Service Description:

  • Define the services/products offered by Super Dine.
  • Specify if you provide catering services for events, bulk food manufacturing, or both.

2. Pricing and Payment:

  • Clearly state the pricing structure for your products or services.
  • Outline payment terms, methods accepted, and any deposit requirements.
  • Mention any taxes or additional fees.

3. Orders and Changes:

  • Detail the process for placing orders, including lead times and minimum order requirements.
  • Address the procedure for making changes or cancellations to orders.

4. Delivery and Shipping:

  • Explain your delivery/shipping policy—coverage areas, delivery fees, and shipping methods.
  • Specify responsibilities regarding delivery timing, delays, and handling.

5. Quality Assurance:

  • Highlight your commitment to quality standards in manufacturing and catering services.
  • Describe what customers should expect in terms of food quality, freshness, and presentation.

6. Cancellations and Refunds:

  • Clarify your policy on cancellations, including any associated fees or refund processes.
  • State conditions under which refunds or replacements will be considered.

7. Liability and Disclaimers:

  • Limit your liability for unforeseen events, such as food allergies, supplier issues, or force majeure.
  • Include disclaimers about food handling instructions, especially for perishable goods.

8. Intellectual Property:

  • Protect your brand by outlining the use of your company’s intellectual property (logo, content, etc.).

9. Privacy Policy:

  • Detail how customer information is collected, used, and protected in compliance with data privacy laws.

10. Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

  • Specify which laws govern your terms and conditions and where legal disputes would be settled.

11. Agreement Acceptance:

  • Explain how customers indicate their acceptance of these terms—often through a checkbox during online orders or signing a physical contract.